This Sounds Like Fun!  How Does It All Work?

Getting To Know You
First, we get together, in person or via Zoom, to talk about what kind of portraits you like.
Are you formal and elegant?  Wild and crazy? 
Perhaps a little bit of both? Most of us are.
We talk about  the look you want, what to wear and the location for the session.  I especially like to meet the children, so I am already a friend on portrait day.
Once we have our plan, the fun begins.

Your Portrait Session
The session usually takes about an hour.

We will create a variety of images and groups,            so you have plenty of choices. 
Your entire family, just the children, Mom and the kids,
Dad and the kids, Grandparents and grandchildren: there are so many ways to tell your story.
Mostly I like your session to be fun,
with lots of hugs, laughter and smiles.

Ordering Your Portraits
Your images are ready to choose and order within a few day of your session. 
Once again, I use the personal touch.  No confusing online galleries.

I come to you, with a screen and projector and the world's most amazing software
to help you sort through  and order your portraits. So much easier than online galleries.

You can see each image in detail, as well as compare similar ones. You will love it!
Once your order is placed, I do the final enhancement and send them off to my lab for printing.
They are generally ready within two weeks, and I personally deliver your order.
All you have to do enjoy!